Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Heard this song on WYEP today.

Dance Like a Monkey (New York Dolls)

It's quite funny and I liked the "evolution is obsolete" message:

"wooooooo wooooooo

You're designed so intelligent
Ain't no way that was an accident
C'mon shake your monkey hips
My pretty little creationist

Oh yeah!

Ain't gonna anthropomorphise you
Or perversely polymorphisise you - yeah
Little girl you look so sweet
You gotta dance like a monkey, dance like a monkey, child
You just started ten thousand years ago
Presto Adam and Eve and go man go
Abel died, Cain took his life
And headed straight to the jungle to find a wife - wow!
Non-believers blame it all on apes
It's monkey time - I want to see you shake
Evolution is obsolete

You gotta dance like a monkey, dance like a monkey, child
Stomp your hands and clap your feet
You gotta dance like a monkey, dance like a monkey, child
Oh one more time yo!It's monkey time!!"

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